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Your Perfect Bootcamp Week

In a perfect world, we'd love to see you 5x a week at our classes, but we understand not everyone can do that. With that, we are going to break down several perfect week scenarios based on your membership level:

For the go-getters with the Unlimited Memberships, we recommend the following breakdown:

Weekly Bootcamp Schedule:

Bootcamp 4 - 6x/week

1 - 2x Active Recovery Days

1 - 2x Complete Rest Days

Active Recovery Day = stretching and mobility, walking and/or hiking (get those 8k+ steps in!), run day, yoga, easy bike ride, golf, etc. You will be doing something active, but nothing that gets your heart rate up like a bootcamp class or involves strength training/HIIT of any kind.

Recovery Day = day off (no exercise), but make sure to still get in those 8k+ steps!

Recommended Training Splits

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday (If you're feeling spicy!)

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday (for a well-rounded training split)

Monday / Wednesday / Friday / Saturday (If your focus is more fat loss and endurance)

Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Saturday (If your focus is lean muscle gain, you can also throw in a Monday to make 5x)

For those with our Standard Membership, we recommend the following breakdown:

Weekly Bootcamp Schedule:

Bootcamp 3x Week

Open Gym 1x Week

1 - 2x Active Recovery Days

1 - 2x Complete Rest Days

Active Recovery Day = stretching and mobility, walking and/or hiking (get those 8k+ steps in!), run day, yoga, easy bike ride, golf, etc. You will be doing something active, but nothing that gets your heart rate up like a bootcamp class or involves strength training/HIIT of any kind.

Recovery Day = day off (no exercise), but make sure to still get in those 8k+ steps!

Recommended Training Splits

Monday / Wednesday / Friday (for a well-rounded training split)

Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday (If your focus is lean muscle gain)

Monday /Friday / Saturday (If your focus is more fat loss and endurance, you can also replace Saturday w/ Wednesday)

For those with our Basic Membership, we recommend the following breakdown:

Weekly Bootcamp Schedule:

Bootcamp 2x Week

Open Gym 2 - 3x Week

1 - 2x Active Recovery Days

1 - 2x Complete Rest Days

Active Recovery Day = stretching and mobility, walking and/or hiking (get those 8k+ steps in!), run day, yoga, easy bike ride, golf, etc. You will be doing something active, but nothing that gets your heart rate up like a bootcamp class or involves strength training/HIIT of any kind.

Recovery Day = day off (no exercise), but make sure to still get in those 8k+ steps!

Recommended Training Splits

Monday / Friday (for a well-rounded training split)

Tuesday / Thursday (If your focus is lean muscle gain)

Wednesday / Friday or Wednesday / Saturday (If your focus is more fat loss and endurance)

Daily Class Breakdown:

Monday: Full Body - will consist of strength training, HIIT, cardio and bodyweight exercises

Tuesday: Lower Body Strength Training - start with a main lift (deadlift, back squat, front squat, or hip thrust) and finish with accessory work

Wednesday: Core & Conditioning Focus - lots of core work and cardio on this day!

Thursday: Upper Body Strength Training - start with a main lift (bench, strict press, row, pull-ups) and finish with accessory work

Friday: Full Body - we do tabatas on Fridays! :20 work + :10 sec. rest. A fast and easier workout to end the week. A mixture of strength, bodyweight, HIIT and cardio

Saturday: Full Body - This will be our hardest workout of the week and there is no telling what we will do! There will often by HYROX training components in these workouts!

If you commit to yourself and your weekly workouts, you will see the results you're after!

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